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    Data-Driven Decision Making in Public Sector Organisations

    Drilldown to Transaction Level

    Nathean Analytics dataset architecture allows users to drill down to the transactions underlying Dashboard KPIs.

    Enterprise Wide Reporting

    Connect other systems to your Financial data to provide richer insight into financial trends.

    Self-Service Business Intelligence

    End users can create their own reports and dashboards, allowing better use of time and resources.

    “Enabling Public Servants to respond to ever-increasing demands for information"

    Analytics in Public Sector

    The focus on transparency has never been greater in Public Services and public servants are having to respond to ever more questions from elected representatives and the media. With access to a wide range of datasets and strict data protection legislation to adhere to, their need for enterprise-level data governance has never been greater.
    Nathean Analytics gives our partners the ability to offer Public Sector customers the opportunity to merge data from other systems with that held in their products, to apply governance to user generated spreadsheets that act as data silos and to respond to the ad-hoc queries that have become an integral part of their working lives.

    What our Customers Say

    Fingal County Council is recognised as an innovative local authority responsible for delivering a wide range of services to Fingal’s 240,000 citizens. The council employed Nathean Analytics to address their data analysis and reporting needs. Through seamless integration with the department’s Agresso financial system, Nathean Analytics quickly delivered visibility and interaction with Agresso, enabling the team to more easily explore and manipulate the huge volumes of financial data. The solution was also rolled out across their HR department, taking only a couple of days to install and configure and the ensuing results were both immediate and impressive.

    What our Customers Say

    “Nathean Analytics empowers the team to easily and effectively explore and analyse the data. Previously, getting answers to complex questions would have taken hours whereas with Nathean Analytics answers are received in seconds.”

    - Peter Whelan, Administrative Officer, Finance, Fingal County Council