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    Enterprise Data Solutions, 
    Analytics, Reporting and Professional Services

    Solutions by Industry

     Our solution has proven to be a game-changer for businesses across various industries. Discover the transformative power of Nathean Analytics' platform, as experienced by our valued partners and customers. They tell us about the newfound insights and control over their data, leading to more efficient and effective decision making. Don't just take our word for it, see for yourself how our platform can revolutionise the way you do business. 

    Life Sciences

    Helping Life Science companies identify opportunities for cost reduction in every aspect of the supply chain.


    Provide clinicians and administrators with deeper insights into their day-to-day operations for better performance. 

    Ophthalmology Clinics

    Optimise patient flow and improve clinical outcomes  through advanced analytics and applied AI technologies. 


    Financial transactions generate huge amounts of data and consumers expect to be able to easily visualise and interpret this data in a secure environment. 

    Asset Management (Maximo)

    Harnessing asset data can provide greater insights into  utilisation; understanding of customer segmentation, usage patterns, payment and billing performance;

    Retail (Optical)

    Provides real-time and historical analysis of all aspects of sales, stock movement or leakage and performance analysis at staff, store, regional or group levels.

    Public Sector

    Enabling Public Servants respond to ever-increasing demands for information and provide better citizen services.



    Unlock the power of data to improve attainment, fund-raising, planning and research.

    AI and AgTech

    AgTech is seeing substantial growth in the application of AI and IoT solutions driven by increased demands in food production, population growth, sustainability requirements, and the advent of precision farming.  

    Embedded Analytics for OEMs

    Make your product stand out from the competition by embedding our analytics & reporting platform in your web application. Customise the User Interface to your branding through simple configuration and APIs. 

    Talk to our experts about how your customers can start turning data into actionable insights from within your product seamlessly.